There must have been something in the water this weekend - seemed as if everywhere I turned I found myself talking about QR Codes.
QR codes are the machine readable badges - basically overlapping barcodes - that are starting to appear on ads, billboards, in print media. They capture information such as a name, a phone number, maybe a url. QR readers are apps on mobiles phones that will scan and decode the QR code and act on preprogrammed instructions - such as, to call the scanned phone number, or to click on the scanned website url.
So I knew the universe was speaking to me earlier today when I read a tweet from @HansdeZwart about a post on QR codes he'd made in George Siemen's open access SCoPE course LAK 11 - Open Course on Learning and Knowledge Analytics.
Then I saw a recommendation from Allison Kipta to read David Hopkins' blogpost on QR Codes: The Nuts and Bolts, a very nice article that summarizes the basics of QR codes, how they work, and why you should care.
I was so inspired I made a QR code for eLearning Roadtrip. It looks like this:
If you have a QR Code reader on your phone you can scan this image and it will automatically take you to my blog site.
Kinda cool in a very geeky way.
I strongly encourage you to read David's post on the subject. It was quite good. Lots of ways in which this simple tool can be used to engage learners. If you can't wait, here is a link to a QR code site to get you started. But then go back and read the post. This is a cool way of sharing information that more elearning professionals need to know about.