The 2010 Managing Online Education Survey went "live" this past week. This is the second annual survey, jointly sponsored by WCET and the Campus Computing Project, that documents the nuts and bolts of what it takes to successfully run online learning programs. Dr. Kenneth C. (Casey) Green, Founder of the Campus Computing Project, is the lead author for this important exploration. Invitations to participate in the survey were distributed last week.
IF YOU HAVE NOT YET RECEIVED YOUR INVITATION WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!!!!! Now that online learning IS hot, hot hot it is really important that any and all of you working in higher education online learning make sure that your voice is heard. Please contact Casey directly at [email protected]. Tell him Ellen told you to get in touch with him about the MOE Survey. Don't be shy.
It is possible that your institution is not already part of WCET - possible that your invitation got spam filtered - perhaps the name we have for your institutional point of contact is wrong. So this is my personal invitation to please be sure that your institution is represented in this year's survey results. Get in touch with Casey at [email protected]. The deadline for completion is November 4th 2010.
Seriously. Don't be shy.
Thanks very much.