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September 30, 2010


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Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

Totally agree Ellen...! Online education really is the way of the future.
As we become more and more time poor online education offers flexibility for those with busy schedules.
Good to see the difference between distance learning, online learning and elearning - these three types can mesh together for a lot of people.


Great post! Online degree is very helpful for those who don't have time on going to traditional school, but you have to make sure that it's an accredited and the trainings are designed to enhance your skills and career.

Judy Unrein

THANK YOU, Ellen, for distinguishing between online and for-profit!

I am currently pursuing my second graduate degree online, and I tell you for sure that my classmates are concerned about people not knowing the difference between for-profit and other online education. I polled them informally when I was writing an article last year about choosing an online grad program, and most of them revealed they had favored our school (which is UMass-Boston) at least in part because it would not be apparent on their resumes that they got their degrees online (as compared to if they went to a for-profit institution).

I wasn't aware about the Senate hearings on this topic. If there is concern about specific institutions (or even whole categories of institutions), wouldn't it be more direct to address them through their accrediting bodies? Non-accreditation seems like the quickest way to prevent students from getting financial aid at any institution...


Amen and thank you, Ellen! I'd add here that many of the higher ed online students are individuals who are also enrolled in face-to-face (FTF) classroom sessions. They're opting for the online "version" because of scheduling and to gain an elearning experience (I use "elearning" and "online learning" interchangeably -- maybe that's no longer correct??). Indeed, some institutions are requiring students to complete at least one online course during their tenure. Studies continue to demonstrate that online learning isn't just effective -- it can sometimes be even more effective than FTF courses.

Of course if we look hard at those objecting to elearning, we'd probably find entities that are reliant on the success of non-online modes.

For example, I've suggested that some organizations are reluctant to get fully behind elearning because they are heavily reliant on hotel chains, convention centers and visitors' bureaus and other key beneficiaries of location-oriented events (my full post is here: http://alearning.wordpress.com/2010/09/24/deciding-not-to-learn-at-conferences/).

Though the desire for FTF events isn't likely to go away, some perceive online learning to be such a threat that they will quickly latch onto anything slightly negative in order to try to turn the prow of a ship they think is going to smash right into them....

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