On behalf of the entire team at WCET, I’m very pleased to share two big announcements.
As of August 2, WCET became the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)'s Cooperative for Educational Technologies. We continue to be known as WCET, but now our acronym better reflects who we are, and what we do: We are a community of practice consisting of North American higher educational institutions, learning technology vendors, coordinating agencies and foundations that share a passion for learning technologies excellence in the service of more effective teaching and learning.
We know that in these changing times, when money is tight and expectations unrealistic, that like-minded thinkers and doers are better served when we work together toward common shared goals. So we have sharpened our focus toward accelerating the adoption of learning technologies innovations in practice, and are raising the bar to reset expectations for excellent digital experiences that engage and inspire. We now actively feature WICHE’s well-established expertise in higher education policy and analysis circles to make sure our stakeholders are positioned for success at each point along the practice-to-policy learning technologies value chain.
In honor of our new name change, we are quite pleased to launch our new WCET website: wcet.wiche.edu. Please bookmark the NEW url so you can find us when you need us!
The updated site design is only part of what’s new. We’ve used this site launch to highlight WCET’s core programs and services that help our members Connect, Learn, and Advance higher education learning technology excellence.
In the next few weeks you will be hearing a lot more about our upcoming annual membership meeting that will be held in LaJolla, Ca November 10-13. We will be making some noise with a new membership campaign and sponsor/partner programs that drive real results for our academic and corporate members alike. We’ll be looking for ways to help you engage with us as we take on the challenge of accelerating adoption of innovations that improve the quality and experience of learning online.
But for now we wanted to tell you our news, invite you to explore the new site, and hope you will take a look at what we are doing to help raise the bar on online learning excellence.
And now, it’s Distance Teaching and Learning 2010 (#DTL_2010) Time!! I'm off to Madison. See you at the Monona Terrace.
Hehe, no doubt. I'm a WICHE woman:-)
Posted by: Ellen | August 05, 2010 at 12:51 PM
Ellen, is that pronounced "wicca"?
Posted by: Jay Cross | August 05, 2010 at 10:25 AM