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June 26, 2010


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Supra Shoes

Good job.No matter where we are, we must study all the way. As the proverb says that: You are never too old to learn. Thank you for your blog.

Ed Garay

Thought-provoking questions, indeed, Ellen. Thank you.

Mobile Learning, or Ubiquitous Learning, as I like to call it, afford us opportunities to further Teaching & Learning engagement, to extend the learning continuum, to perhaps make asynchronous learning a bit more instant (when it might need to be) and to facilitate exploring new pedagogies and learning efficiencies with the mobile learner, the comfortable learner, and the mobile educator in mind.

Your questions are very timely, practical and real. Setting a baseline, to serve as a reference point is indeed necessary, as well as assessment and all the highly recommended instructional redesign that needs to encapsulate a well planned institutional commitment to mobile learning.

Ubiquitous learning is a wonderful educational rethinking opportunity alright. I would suggest most institutions should start small, by first nurturing mobile learning initiatives as optional and complementary components, by ensuring the educational content and students activities are carefully redesigned for any delivery, including mobile as Web accessible delivery.

I think, it is also key to make absolutely sure that mobile learning does not become yet another digital divide, another educational advantage between the haves and the have nots.

Likewise, we (educators and administrators, alike) we need to also make sure to be lured and impressed too much by the convenient and beauty of the App'lification of the Web. While native apps generally provide a better experience on the target mobile devices, we must remember that the open Internet and the Web-based experience, the Web accessible Web-based experience are a fundamental public and everyday resource that cannot be undermind.

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