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June 28, 2010


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ellen wagner

Dear JRA,

Percentage of mobile traffic on a single US network is very different than the number of mobile Internet subscribers on a global network. With all due respect, iOS adoption - iPhones and iPads - really haven't dominated to the degree you seem to want it to. Not yet, anyway.

Think global.


Exactly what are you smoking? iOS devices account for "...about less than 1% of mobile subscriber..."?

Here is a link that shows that 33% of mobile traffic is coming from iOS devices. http://www.netmarketshare.com/mobile-phones.aspx?qprid=55&qptimeframe=M&qpsp=136&sample=25

Every search I do through Google shows me that Apple currently has about 16% of the mobile Smart Phone market, with RIM falling (worldwide) and Android devices gaining some steam.

Feel free to adopt whatever antique technology (Flash) that you will... but don't fool your readers into thinking that a certain device is a "rounding error," as we might think that Steve Ballmer is paying you off.

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