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February 25, 2010


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Rebekah Nix

Uh oh, 59. I don't text.


I was disappointed. I scored a 92 - which means I'm more millenial than Gen X. Sigh. I always thought I wore the Gen X badge rather proudly. I think it was the tattoos, piercing, and texting that pushed me over the edge.
Although my friends and I had a discussion - when they refer to reading newspaper, do they mean paper, online, or either?

- Michelle

Steve Howard

I don't know if I should be pleased or embarassed that I scored 99. And that was with no tatoos or weird piercings :-o

Anyone else impressed by the millennial grammar in the quiz?

In the past 24 hours, *did you* watch more than an hour of television programming, *or not?*

Surely, the answer is yes for everybody? ;-)

Ellen Wagner

I was honest about my TV watching and my newspaper reading. But I do text a lot. Yeah, that's it. Texting.


I'm only a 64%. I guess not texting really killed my score.

Lisa Cheney-Steen

I was only a 71 -- no tattoos and only one piercing.

I'm pretty sure it would have upset my teenagers if I had made it all the way to Millenial though.


47 - I guess I really am a Gen X'er.


I was a 75...think it was the tattoo that pushed me towards millennial.

Cali Morrison

Wow...88? You killed me...I'm only 64% Millennial... although, I'm not sure I see that as a bad thing...

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