This is the beginning of graduation season. We've all been reading about Obama at Notre Dame, and about Eric Schmidt at UPenn. My favorite story comes from UC-Merced where the first graduating class of the brand new UC system campus sent more that 900 handwritten valentines to Michelle Obama as part of their campaign to convince her to be their commencement speaker. And she did, much to the delight of the campus and the community.
Now that I am out of the academic business I haven't had the occasion to attend very many graduations. Luckily I have several upcoming graduations among friends and family this year, and I have to say that that I am looking forward to their pomp(s) and the circumstance(s). It's really nice to celebrate their successes, their learning and their achievement.
So this is simply a shout-out to all of you who have earned your diplomas. Congratulations on your accomplishment! Here's wishing you the best - a big cheer for achieving your goals, and a wish for new opportunities for showing off your stuff.